What does it look like? An awesome Halloween lesson plan!

4 senses
Into: What Halloween character are you?
Answer questions:
- What is your name? (Costumes name, not yours)
Princes zomby, Ninja turtle, gypsy, Crazy kitten
(Pizza, brains, carrots, apples)
- What is your superpower (what can you do?)
I can fight
I can fly
I can do magic
I can run super fast
Then children walk around the room and meet one another
- How old are you?
Legend: The evil spirit stole Elza’s 4 senses, and she cannot find her sister Anna without it in order to get her senses back she asked her friends you - to go thought some challenges to get hers back
What does it feel like?
Will you please replace e these 👇 words with images Dimitri Stukalov
Actual avatar cards are here, feel free to make a copy and edit it to your own liking:)!! 👇
Avatar’s card - Halloween worksheet students
What is your name? Avatar’s name, NOT yours Example: Princes zomby, Ninja turtle… NAME: How old are you? (Not you, but your avatar) AGE: What do you like to eat? Example: Pizza, brains, carrots, apples FOOD: What superpower do you have? (what can you do?) Examp…